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Busy signals?

Honest to Pete, my son about a year ago dialed a phone number and got a busy signal and brought the phone to me and asked what that noise meant….and he’s 12 years old!! I encountered a few busy signals this week and two of them were at businesses! Busy signals, in my opinion, are very 20th century. I’m still no fan of call waiting and don’t use mine, but phone voice mail is wonderful.

For businesses of any size, busy signals tell customers that they just don’t care whether they get your call or not. More often than not, they probably don’t get the business. I run a business that requires my focus to be on their problem, so if I get a call during a visit with a customer, I let the call go to voice mail and then call the person back as quickly as possible. No busy signals.

For home users, voice mail costs less than a latte per month and you will never miss a call again. Busy signals….we don’t need them and they should no longer be part of the technological landscape! 

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