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Riding Shotgun with Rick

Important Covid-19 (coronavirus) Update

First, THANK YOU for your ongoing support since 1995. In this extraordinary time, I want to express how much I miss visiting with you personally during home/business appointments or at the monthly computer user group. The memories of our camaraderie and friendship are priceless. I wish everyone health and peace during this unprecedented event we are all experiencing. Lastly, like many other… Read More »Important Covid-19 (coronavirus) Update

How good are your passwords?

And you have more than one password right? If you don’t, you should…seriously…good security starts with good passwords that you change regularly. Today, I came across a site that will demonstrate how weak or strong your password based on the average time it would take to crack your password. It will either scare the heck out of you or it… Read More »How good are your passwords?

Use the address bar

It always amazes me (even after ten years) how unintuitive computers can be for many users. One call I fielded today was from a computer user who has been using computers for many years, but had a befuddling question. She was trying to browse to her bank's web site, but couldn't get there. After talking with her for a few moments, it became apparent that she was typing the address to her bank in a search engine's search box instead of the address bar. The clue came when she exclaimed, "I get a list of credit unions instead of my own."
address bar vs search bar

I explained to her that if she knows the address of where she wants to go, use the long white address bar at the top of the browser.

How to fix a slow computer

Any article on fixing a slow computer would be incomplete if it didn’t talk about prevention. Learning about your computer is paramount to preventing problems. Following are articles I recommend that all computer users familiarize themselves with to prevent problems: Backing up your important information Recommended approach to security Using Microsoft Security software Learn how to search the web and… Read More »How to fix a slow computer

Practice smarter browsing to avoid malware – Video Tip

It seems that spyware, adware and other malware that doesn’t quite fall in the category of a virus grows by the day. Unfortunately, even the best protected computers and computer users can get hit by these sneaky destruction machines by tricking us (social engineering) to thinking we are either using, viewing or downloading something other than it is. In order… Read More »Practice smarter browsing to avoid malware – Video Tip

Learn Minesweeper & give Solitaire or FreeCell a Break – Video Tip

Solitaire seems to be a game that is synonymous with computers. Microsoft planted the game in Windows not only for entertainment, but also for new computer users to learn mouse skills (drag, double-click, etc). Some computer users have branched out to FreeCell and like it better than Solitaire.

However, have you tried playing Minesweeper?

Minesweeper appears difficult upon first look. And yes, it does require some brain power, but isn't that partially the purpose of our computers…to use our brains? If you do like a challenge and using logic and something different than clicking on cards or sitting in front of a TV, give Minesweeper a try.

The object of the game is to avoid the 'mines'. You do this by first making a random guess and clicking one time on the board. If you are lucky, you didn't hit a mine. Now you have to use the clues the game gives you to figure out where the other ones lie. The clues come in the form of a number (usually 1-5). The number indicates how many mines border that particular square. One hint to commit to memory is that one square (if it isn't along the edge), borders eight other squares. Keep that in mind and like FreeCell, every game is winnable. (see the video below for a video lesson on this fun game.)

Give it a try. My best time so far on the beginner level is 29 seconds and 326 seconds on intermediate level. Call us up and let us know what your best times are, leave a comment here, but most of all have fun!

How to make a desktop Web Site Shortcut – Video Tip

I had this question come up during a phone call today, and although I described it the best I could, this is truly a visual tip. Watch the short video tip below to learn how to create a desktop icon that goes directly to a web site. Hint: It’s easy to follow and do.