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Internet Explorer 8 will start showing up in updates

Windows Vista users need to be on the lookout for the new version of Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer 8. Hopefully most of you are using Firefox and this won’t matter, but if you are an Internet Explorer users, do not install this optional update for at least a couple of months. Already it is known to cause conflicts with other applications and is generally not stable enough for daily use yet.

Let other people continue the beta testing of IE8 and use Firefox instead…or Google Chrome.

Microsoft to start pushing IE 8 to existing IE users | All about Microsoft |

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8 thoughts on “Internet Explorer 8 will start showing up in updates”

    1. It does seem to be a pretty good rendition of IE and apparently safer too. However, for folks running software based on IE (Quickbooks, card making programs and private developed packages), it is best to hold off on the upgrade for a few months at least.

  1. Internet Explorer 8 seems to be the best browser for me. I can open more than 20 windows simultaneously without crashing. IE7 and IE6 is unstable that if you open more than windows at a time it just freezes or causes the blue screen.

    1. It does seem to work pretty well for most folks now. I still prefer Firefox and Google Chrome. I’m still not sold that Microsoft is locking down the security of IE well enough yet.

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