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Overheard at a gas station

While grabbing a quick water bottle at a local gas station, I overheard two ladies talking about computers. The younger one (in her 20’s) stated that she doesn’t understand anything about computers AND doesn’t want to learn.
The other woman (40’s) agreed but wanted to get a laptop for a graduating niece.

I smiled at them (wearing my shirt) as I paid my bill, but didn’t say anything. I didn:t have time to intervene or I would have. First, it is hard for me to understand NOT wanting to learn about anything.

NASCAR has absolutely no appeal to me, but if I run across an article talking about the science and tech involved in the sport (can you really call it a sport?), I devour it. Like NASCAR to me, computers hold no interest those ladies, but for them to not want to learn just surprises me.

Computers aren’t for everyone, I’ll admit, but learning should never grow old or stale.

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