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Resize an emailed photo for printing

Have you ever been frustrated when trying to view or print a picture that you received via email?

Today’s tip will solve this annoying problem for you quickly and almost effortlessly.

1. When you receive one of these large pictures, save it to your hard drive (and remember where it is).
2. Start Microsoft Word (Word Perfect and newer versions of Works will work as well).
3. Click on Insert –> Picture –> from file from the menus
4. Click in the “Look in” box and navigate to where you saved the photo
5. Double-click on your photo
6. Word automatically resizes the photo to fit in the document.

Tip within a tip: Before inserting the photo, adjust your margins to get a larger photo. Now that the picture is in Word, you can resize the photo by clicking one time on it and then shrink it or enlarge it using the corner ‘handles’.


This is an old tip (that still works), but with Windows XP and Vista and the upcoming Windows 7, you can save, print and view photos much easier.

Remember to resize your photos before sending them to your friends so they transfer faster and print/view easily.

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