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RTD 51…Don’t buy it!!!

On average I see about four customers day since I allow for about 1.5 hours for the visit and then .5 hour travel time between clients as a buffer. I like to load my appointments altogether and not take a traditional lunch so that I can get home a little earlier and see my kids.

To make this happen, I take a .5 gallon of water with me every day and either a home made trail mix for lunch (I’ll share that recipe later) or I eat on the road. I try to avoid drive-thru as much as possible, but sometimes that gets me into trouble.

My estimate is that I have stopped and picked up something to eat at about 80% of the convenience store/gas stations in the Grand Valley. I try to remember who has the best snacks and the best canned shakes.

Today, I miscalculated. I picked up a protein drink named RTD 51…51 grams of protein, only 3 grams of fat, no corn syrups or sucrose and absolutely DISGUSTING taste. The drink cost me $3.00 and I could only choke down about four drinks worth, trying to give it a chance thinking it might be an acquired taste. As I sat and listened to my voice mail and returned calls in a Safeway parking lot, I was glad that I also bought a cheddar cheese stick to kill the chalk taste.

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