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Better weather forecasting via the Internet

I have been an avid weather watcher since I was a kid. I love looking at weather radar and satellite maps and always enjoyed watching the weather on the news.

Since the advent of the Internet, I exclusively keep track of the weather on the Internet.

This weekend, I was fortunate enough to get a couple of tickets to the Broncos v. Steelers from a friend. My son and I were supposed to leave for the game (a four hour drive over multiple mountain passes) on Sunday morning. However, a look at the weather forecast on Weather Underground prompted us to leave yesterday instead.

Turns out that my Internet weather watching paid off. The passes were hammered with snow all night long and are treacherous today. My son and I arrived safely in Denver yesterday and continue to watch the snow pile up outside our hotel window.

Now we are refreshing the weather forecast and radar maps every 15 minutes hoping the snow quiets down for the game tonight!

I favor the Weather Underground web site for weather watching because of their fast load times, complete information, great maps, and Treo/mobile phone access. What sites and Internet weather stories do you have? Leave a comment below and tell us about your favorite weather sites.

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