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Smoother Internet Audio and Video – Video Tip

The Internet is firmly a multimedia haven now. Video and audio make the Internet a much richer experience for everyone…providing you have a fast Internet connection OR learn the technique I describe in today’s tip.

When it comes to online audio and video, you need to know about streaming. Without a knowledge of streaming, you will continue to have choppy audio, stop and start video and overall be frustrated. Streaming means that a little of the audio and/or video is fed to us at a time.

Because audio and video make huge file sizes (10-20X that of photos), they cannot be sent via the Internet in one chunk. Instead, they are broken down into smaller pieces and fed down the Internet pipeline little pieces at a time (streaming). If our Internet connection can’t decode and play the little pieces of information fast enough, we interpret that as slow, jerky, choppy, and or stuttery (stuttering) audio and video.

The key to correcting this lies in this week’s video tip. You can thank me by leaving a nice comment or better yet, hit the donate button on our site. Either way, you WILL enjoy audio and video on the web more after learning this little trick.

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3 thoughts on “Smoother Internet Audio and Video – Video Tip”

  1. WHAT THE HELL, most people come here because they have a problem with videos not working, SO WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU POST THE SOLUTION AS A VIDEO?

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