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Using a computer does not equal understanding a computer

I had an interesting email topic come my way today regarding newer generations and their knowledge of computers. From experience, I can tell you that just because younger generations use computers all the time, they don't know how they work any better or how to use them more efficiently than any other generation. One of my favorite job functions is teaching people how to get the most of their computers. I see lots of business computer users and students who can 'use' a computer to produce the documents they need or search the Internet, yet they have no clue where their data is stored or how effectively they are using the software.

When I give an "experienced/competent" computer user a tip on how to format a Word document easier, or browse the web faster or any other tip, seeing their eyes light up with understanding and appreciation makes my whole day. I will say that the computer users who grew up with technology, seem to grasp new concepts easier and can incorporate new knowledge quicker than computer users who started using a computer as an adult.

To sum it up, I'm just pointing out that don't be awed by a neighbor, kid, or relative who can talk some lingo and move their mouse really fast…they don't necessarily understand these technology beasts any better than you do…they just pretend they do and aren't afraid of it. 

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