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6 Health Tips from a Physical Therapist Turned Tech Dude

Wax On, Wax Off
photo credit: puroticorico

When I meet new customers or even strike up conversations with existing ones, my past sometimes infiltrates the conversation. I didn’t start out my adult life as a computer tech/trainer. I didn’t get a degree in computer technology. My degree and training is in physical therapy. I worked as a physical therapist for over 10 years, mostly with geriatrics.

During those years, I informally did my own case study on healthy individuals, recovery time for sick or injured, and general wellness. I tried to compile and make sense of those who stay healthy as we age and why.

In 6 easy to digest snippets, here is what I observed in my years as a working physical therapist and in my years as trained physical therapist working in technology:Read More »6 Health Tips from a Physical Therapist Turned Tech Dude