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WARNING! Your Internet connection is not optimized!

Banner ads are a real and somewhat necessary part of our Internet world. You see banner ads at the top of nearly every Web site you visit. 

In the past year, one particular ad seems to pop up more frequently than others. It reads something like this:

WARNING! Your Internet connection is not optimized. Click Here to boost your Internet speed!

The ad cleverly (some people say deceptively) resembles a Window’s warning box and thus looks legit. However, the warning is simply an advertisement. 

Don’t fall prey to it. Clicking on the ad will lead you to their web site where you will be asked to lay out $30. If you actually see any gains in speed, they will be negligible and intermittent.

Learn To Identify Search Engine Ads

A search engine is a website or part of a website that allows you to search either the entire Internet, or a given website for specific information.
Google, Yahoo, Excite and Dogpile are just a few of the common search engines that search the entire Internet for information on any word or topic you type into their search box.

As you may well imagine, it is not an easy thing to create software that searches the entire Internet with accuracy. Rest assured, it is even tougher to find people to design such software for free.

Google, Yahoo, AskJeeves, Excite, and every other search engine requires money to stay afloat.