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Optical Mice

Over the past few weeks, it seems that a large share of my clients were still using older, mechanical mice (the one’s with the ball underneath). I say older because almost all new mice are optical mice…either infrared or laser. These mice replaced the ball rolling against rollers in the mouse housing (that could quickly become dirty and cause erratic behavior of your pointer) with a light source that tracked your movements more accurately than the mechanical mouse ever could.

In addition to tracking better, never getting dirty, and having the ability to work on any surface (except glass), optical mice also allowed smaller chassis and helped propel a new plethora of cordless mice.

If you are in the market for a new mouse (and if you are usingRead More »Optical Mice

Customize the mouse to fit your needs – Video Tip

Too many people start using a computer and don’t know how to customize its settings to best suit there needs. The mouse is one of the worst offenders…especially for low vision folks or computer users with other disabilities. This short video tutorial will help anyone get the mouse to work the best way possible for their own individual needs.