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Add folders to Picasa’s index

When you first install Picasa, it asks if you want to scan your entire computer or just your My Documents folder for pictures. If you select one option but change your mind, you can add more folders or subtract folders to the Picasa index by doing the following:

1. Click on FILE

2. Click on Add Folders to Picasa

3. Select a file then click on the "Always Scan" bullet at the side.

4. Click OK and it will scan all the given folders for photos. 

Picasa 2

What can you do with Picasa 2?

Picasa 2 is a free program made by Google that allows you to organize your photos without any effort on your part.

Besides organizing photos it also has some great creativity tools including gift CDs, slide shows, and blogging tools.


1. Download Either click on this button, or go to and click on the Free Download button.

Top 10 Digital Camera Tricks

Top 10 Digital Camera Tips:
(in no particular order)

1. Use Rechargeable Batteries:
Make sure your digital camera supports them. Look for at least 1800 mAh. Get more than one set.

2. Save those batteries:
The three best ways to save batteries are…
1. Don’t use your LCD except for macro and composition shots.
2. Don’t over use your zoom lens.
3. Don’t connect your camera to your computer (use a media reader).