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Bogus Repair Requests at Office Depot costs them $35 million

Since 2009, Office Depot (and merged partner Office Max) along with were knowingly scamming customers into paying for repairs or “fixes” that were absolutely not needed. I won’t go into the gory details, but you can read the full story here. Just know that large retail outlets that sell goods and services don’t always concentrate on providing the best… Read More »Bogus Repair Requests at Office Depot costs them $35 million

More on Fake Security Ads and Scareware

Trying to explain why and how fake security infiltrates my client’s computer is difficult. Instead of trying to explain it each and every time, which can be daunting, I am going to suggest this article as a reading assignment. If you use Microsoft Windows, and you want to minimize the possibility of becoming infected by this almost unstoppable force, you… Read More »More on Fake Security Ads and Scareware