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3 Classes of Information Technology (IT) Users

swissarmyusbI left this note as a comment on a web site just now, but decided that it was good enough to be a post here at  IT is the fancy word for computer technology.

The more I read about and talk with people about computers, I see there are three distinct “classes” of computer users.

  1. Hard core IT – those that need every ounce of PC power for their jobs and/or personal life. They program, game, virtualize, and push the computer and OS to the limit and have no problem spending hours working out problems and tweaking the PC for their needs.
  2. Business IT – usually self-taught computer users who just want to get things done…use the computer as a tool. Sometimes tied to proprietary software, but mostly use word processing, spreadsheets (basic), email, Internet, and some digital photography.
  3. Home IT – Like the business class, use the essential functions of a computer, social networking and little else.

In my business (computer consultant/trainer), reading and travels, I find that Read More »3 Classes of Information Technology (IT) Users

7 Tech items I would take to college

HP 41CV Programmable Calculator
HP 41CV Programmable Calculator

I graduated from college almost 10 years before computers started being a main stream college accessory. I would love to be a student again not only because I enjoy learning, but I would love to have access to the technologies today’s students use every day.

The most advanced piece of tech I used in college was the HP 41 CV programmable calculator with the magnetic card strip reader attachment. I loved that calculator, and to this day, it is the only kind of machine I have truly programmed. Yikes, sorry for the geek flashback.

If I was going to college this fall, I would take and useRead More »7 Tech items I would take to college

5 pieces of technology I can’t live without

photo credit: jwcline

Many of these types of articles have been written on the Internet, but I don’t think I ever did one. These are the five pieces of technology that I consider essential to my digital life.

  1. Smart phone (currently the iPhone 3G). Since I started using cell phones, I saw the need and utility to marry the phone with a portable organizer. I even carried around the clunky (but useful) Handspring Visor with the Sprint phone plug-in. Smart phones offer the best in communication via voice, Internet, chat, instant messaging, and now social networking as well as maps, password management, Internet access, GPS, games, and so much more.
  2. Flash drives. USB flash drives truly make my day-to-day life tons easier because I can carry so many tools with me to fix and augement computers in my pocket. And I can change up, add to and update those tools quickly and easily.
  3. Netbook. Netbooks are the small little laptops that weigh less thanRead More »5 pieces of technology I can’t live without