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OnAir Solutions

Getting the Mail Button back in IE7 – Revised VIDEO TIP

When you upgrade to IE7 you will notice a total change in the interface. One of the big changes is a lack of menu bar and many of the old buttons.

If you are in the habit of clicking on the little envelope in Internet Explorer to get into your email, you will quickly see that the little envelope is gone.

Here's how to get it back:

1. Right-click on the bar where the buttons should be

2. Choose Customize Command Bar

3. Click Add or Remove Commands

4. In the window that comes up, choose Mail on the left side and click the Add button

5. You will see the Mail button move to the right side. Click on it and click the Move Up botton to place it at the top of the list.

Microsoft Uninstaller Cleanup Utility

When you have a program that won't unstall, read through this page , install the program it links to and follow the directions.

This program removes all of the install information from the Windows registry. From this point you should reinstall the program and then unstall it the normal way.

How to get into Safe Mode when F8 doesn’t work

Some computers will refuse to go into safe mode no matter how quickly you press F8.

If you are using Windows XP, here is how to force your computer to boot up with the safe mode prompt:

  1. Go to START->RUN
  2. Type 'msconfig' into the box (without the quote marks)
  3. Click on the BOOT.INI tab
  4. Check the little box that says /SAFEBOOT
  5. Click Apply and OK
  6. Restart your computer.

To get your computer to stop booting up with the options menu, just repeat this process and uncheck the /SAFEBOOT option


How to detect keyloggers

Keyloggers are viruses (or can be hardware in an office situation) that log everything you enter into your computer…including passwords, user names, and account numbers. Don't take this problem lightly as it can lead to identity theft. Keyloggers are rare and if you run proper security software (search security on our site), you are not at risk. However, if you suspect a keylogger, use one of these tools to detect them:

SpyBot Search and Destroy

Keylogger Killer

SmitFraud & SpySheriff Beware we have a fix!!

There is a nasty group of spyware programs out there that not only hijack your browser home page, but they replace your desktop with a warning that your computer is infected and add icons to your system tray. What's worse is that all of these items are so linked that you can't get rid of any of them unless you get rid of all of them.

Today I found a great tool that made removing these spyware programs simple. However, this tool does not replace any of the other tools we talk about on a regular basis.

The program is easy to use – just follow the prompts. I didn't even have to start the system in safe mode for it to work.

Internet Explorer 7 Keyboard shortcuts

General shortcuts
table with 2 columns and 9 rows
Turn Full Screen Mode on or off 

Cycle through the Address Bar, Refresh button, Search Box, and
items on a web page  


Find a word or phrase on a page 


Open the current webpage in a new window  


Print the page  


Select all items on the page  


Zoom in  


Zoom out