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Getting the Mail Button back in IE7 – Revised VIDEO TIP

When you upgrade to IE7 you will notice a total change in the interface. One of the big changes is a lack of menu bar and many of the old buttons.

If you are in the habit of clicking on the little envelope in Internet Explorer to get into your email, you will quickly see that the little envelope is gone.

Here’s how to get it back:

1. Right-click on the bar where the buttons should be

2. Choose Customize Command Bar

3. Click Add or Remove Commands

4. In the window that comes up, choose Mail on the left side and click the Add button

5. You will see the Mail button move to the right side. Click on it and click the Move Up botton to place it at the top of the list.

6. Close the window and you should see the little tiny mail button appear in the upper right side of IE7.


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