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hard drive

Organize Files with Windows XP Move function

Organize Files with Windows XP Move function

Use this tip to quickly and easily move your files (documents, music, pictures) from one folder to another on your computer. Once you master this tip, you will be able to organize your digital files with confidence. You can also use the tip to copy digital photos from a memory card or CD to your hard drive.

  1. Open the folder or drive containing the files (pictures, music, documents, etc) you would like to move.

  2. Select the file or files to move. Remember that you can use the Ctrl + Click method to select (highlight) multiple files or Ctrl + A to Select All files in a given folder

Use Your Digital Camera to Take Inventory

Planning for a disaster seems almost pessimistic to some, but in the long run, planning for the worst can save you. I talk about backup of your important digital data all the time, and this week’s tip takes the term backup a little closer to home.

One great, practical use of your digital camera is to take inventory of your personal belongings. Use your camera to photograph your heir loom china, your classic car, your stereo and TV equipment, your video collection, appliances, and furniture. Because you don’t have to worry about film, take pictures of anything and everything of value to you in and around your home.

Keeping Track of Your Computer Storage

This week?s tip is a prelude to my tip for next week and a follow up from last week?s tip. Following these steps, you can easily keep track of how much space you have on your computer for new documents and programs.

1. Double-click on the ?My Computer? icon on your desktop
2. RIGHT click on your hard drive (labeled C)
3. Click on Properties
4. An easy to read pie chart informs you how much free space and how much empty space you have on your computer

# Hint: Your free space should be equal to or greater than twice the amount of RAM you have on your computer (exa

Control Your Recycle Bin

Just to get all of us on the same page, remember that when you delete a file from your computer (like a photo or Word document for example), the file does not leave the computer, it gets moved to the Recycle Bin. If you want to free up the space used by the file, you must delete it from the recycle bin.

However, did you know that you can control how much space can be used by the recycle bin, stop the “are you sure” prompt, or completely bypass the recycle bin? Read on and learn…

To gain control of these functions, simply right click on the recycle bin and click properties.