You are wasting money!!
Yes, YOU are wasting money if you don't take advantage of this web site, our newsletter and the radio show. One common trait that Adam and I share (despite occasional thoughts to the contrary by our wives), is that we hate wasting money on technology. Of course, we love technology, but we don't like throwing money at it unnecessarily. Not too many technology nerds will tell you not to upgrade your Windows 98. Likewise, not too many technology people will tell you not to buy a photo printer.
We look at each individual situation and customize our answers and solutions to the requirements and uses of each computer user. Pre-packaged, one size fits all tech support and advice does not work, never did work, and never will work. People are too regimented and stubborn to change their ways without significant reason or pain. We recognize that human trait and strive to mold our advice to each individual situation. Not only do we strive to provide that kind of service, I challenge you to find anyone, anywhere who accomplishes such a task at the level we do!