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Another opinion about Windows Security – Article

The knowledgeable folks at just published the following article covering Windows security. You more than likely have read or heard my opinions and recommendations for Windows security, but I like to present other sources for you from time-to-time as well. I firmly stand by my recommendations over the years, and try to keep my articles updated on the topic.… Read More »Another opinion about Windows Security – Article

More on Fake Security Ads and Scareware

Trying to explain why and how fake security infiltrates my client’s computer is difficult. Instead of trying to explain it each and every time, which can be daunting, I am going to suggest this article as a reading assignment. If you use Microsoft Windows, and you want to minimize the possibility of becoming infected by this almost unstoppable force, you… Read More »More on Fake Security Ads and Scareware

Windows Update? Yes, you should…

When Windows XP was released nearly two years ago, it was hailed as a ‘self-healing’ operating system (via the Windows Update system). Two years later, it has, in my humble opinion, held its own as a stable, fast operating system. However, Microsoft remains a large target for the tech degenerates of the world to launch assaults upon. And when these ingrates go after Microsoft, they unfortunately take many of us along for the ride.

That’s my soap box for the week. Where this all relates to this week’s tip of the week lies in the updates that are made available for Windows that help thwart these attacks. These updates arrive on our computers through the Windows Update program. You should see a little globe pop up near your system clock when updates are available. Don’t just ignore the little globe, click on it and install the updates that have been presented.

Print Anything You See on Your Screen – Video Tip

Many times a computer user may need the ability to print what they see on the screen, but can’t access a Print command.  Using the underutilized Print Screen button on the keyboard can rectify this situation.

The Print Screen button is usually located just to the right of your F keys and above the Insert, Home, Delete key section.