The Amazing Photoshop Elements Toolbox
There are so many wonderful things you can do with Photoshop Elements.
You will find many of our tips in our notes from previous meetings.
Photoshop Elements Part I
Photoshop Elements Part II
Photoshop Elements Part III
Photoshop Elements Part IV
This time we will spend most of our time discussing the Magical Photoshop Elements Toolbox.
There are three kinds of tools in the Toolbox:
Hover your mouse over any area in the toolbox to see its name. Hold your left mouse button down over any tool with a little diagonal triangle at the bottom to see hidden tools with similar functions.
Selecting: These tools create "Marching Ants" that indicate that an area has been selected. Selection tools include the Marquee Tool, Lasso Tool, Magic Wand and Brush Selection Tool These are all found in the top 5th of the Toolbox.
Once and area is selected, any changes you make will only apply to the selected area.
Painting: These tools "paint" effects by holding down the left mouse button while moving the mouse in the area you want to change. Painting tools include the Paintbrush, Pencil, Erase, Red Eye, Blur, Sharpen, Sponge, Smear, and Clone Stamp tools.
All painting tools allow you to change the area that you are working on by adjusting the brush size and you can apply affects by making changes in the Options bar (tool bar under the file menu that changes when you select a tool).
Custom Tools: These are tools that don't fit into