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Photoshop Elements Part III

Adobe Photoshop Elements
Part III


What is a Layer?

Put simply, a layer is an image stacked on top of another image.
A new layer is formed any time you paste or type. You can also manually create a new layer by going to LAYER -> NEW -> LAYER in the menu at the top of your screen.

Where are My Layers?

You can see your layers by going to Window -> Layers. Use techniques discussed in part I of our Elements notes to see how to drag the Layers window down so it will stay open.

Two Types of Layers

There are two main types of layers, floating and adjustment.

A floating layer is an image or type that you can move around. This is the type of layer you get when you paste or type onto the image.

An Adjustment layer is a layer that you use to manipulate the photo. An adjustment layer is used to work on the photo without changing the background image. By using an adjustment layer you can go quickly back to the original image simply by deleting the adjustment layer.

Common uses for an adjustment layer are:

Hand tinting the photo, creating a graduated filter look, and special effects such as color to black and white transitions.

Layer "Modes"

Under the layers tab, click on the little down-pointing arrow to reveal the various ways you can make that layer react with the layers beneath it.


Links from this month’s meeting


Adobe’s Photoshop Elements Tutorials

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