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Blood relation does not equal computer expertise

A few years ago, I added two items to my list of common advice that I give.

1. Don’t let your kids fix your computer, no matter how old they are or who they work for.

2. Blood relation does not equal computer expertise.

I know that this makes me sound arrogant at times, but my first appointment this morning was a case in point.

It was a simple enough job, I was to setup a laptop and get it online. My client didn’t need any information transferred or any special tutoring, she just needed someone to tackle the initial setup with confidence.

Since this was my client’s first laptop she had consulted me a number of times about what to get and what to spend. Since Christmas, I had told her about a few good deals that were in the paper.

Computers are not cars

I used to make a lot of Analogies relating computers to cars. I don’t do that much any more because I have realized that computers are not cars. Computers are not like anything we have ever used at any other time in the history of the world.

Your car is used to get you from point A to point B. It is not designed to do anything else. Sure it may have a few bells and whistles, but when you stop to think about it, it doesn’t matter how comfortable the seats are or whether it has a cooled glove box if the car won’t get you from point to point.

Export your PST folder

Lately I have seen several people who use Microsoft Outlook to manage their calendar, email, memos and to do lists.

Microsoft Oultook is similar to the Outlook Express program that comes with all Windows computers, but it adds more features. It is essentially a Franklin Planner for your computer.

One of the great things about Microsoft Outlook is that it is so easy to backup everything at once, you just have to go through a series of steps.

Following this process allows you to backup your email, contact list, calendar, memos, and to do list all as one file.

Here’s what to do:

Digital Darkroom Basics

Digital Darkroom Basics

The inaugural meeting of our Digital Photography SIG was amazing. We literally had a standing room only crowd and as with all of your Users Groups meetings the information shared was nothing short of fantastic. Here is some of the information shared at the meeting:

Basic computer requirements

If you already have a computer and it is working great for your purposes, don’t take this as a suggestion to buy a new computer. However, if you are in the market for a new computer and want to know what to look for, here are
my suggestions from the meeting.

Photoshop Elements Part I

Adobe Photoshop Elements
Part I

This month we will begin a four-part session on Adobe Photoshop Elements. Although we are centering the meetings on Elements, most of the techniques and tools we discuss also apply to programs such as Paint Shop Pro, Ulead Photo Impact and other advanced image editing programs.

Getting Started:

Before you begin using Elements or any image editing program it is important to get the monitor and program interface set up to make the program easier to use.

How to get into safe mode

We have told a number of callers today to run their utilities like scandisk, antivirus and antispyware in safe mode. Here is a quick reminder on how to do it. You can find more information on safe mode by searching for "safe mode" in our search box.

1. Turn on your computer

2. As your computer turns on press your F8 key over and over in about half second intervals until a menu of options comes up.

3. Choose Safe Mode using your arrow keys and press ENTER

Safe mode is a troubleshooting version of windows that disables unnecessary features that can get in the way of removing viruses, spyware and other problems.

Removing Outlook Profiles

Remove an Outlook e-mail profile  

Open the Mail Setup dialog box.

In Microsoft Windows XP


In Control Panel, double-click User Accounts, and then click Mail.

Note:  If you are using Control Panel classic view, double-click Mail.


In Microsoft Windows 2000

In Control Panel, double-click Mail.