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If you have read our newsletter, or listened to the show at any time over the past two plus years, you have heard us mention the "Castellini on Computers Blogger". Hopefully many of you’ve already benefited from our Blogger as it holds many treasures. 

Simply put, a Blogger is a diary of sorts that anyone can start on the Internet. Three years ago, if you wanted to start a web page, you had to learn HTML, FTP and find a host. That was enough to scare most people away from even attempting the task. Then came Blogger. As their tagline says, "push-button publishing for the people", truly means push-button publishing. Visit the Blogger web site for more details.

If you have a cause or opinions that you would like to express for the whole Internet to see, just head over to and sign up for a free account and within minutes you can start publishing your thoughts, diatribes and opinions for the masses to read. It takes just a few minutes to learn how to use the Blogger and it is extremely easy to update and maintain. And with search engine behemoth Google now firmly behind Blogger with their purchase earlier this year, Blogger is sure to thrive.

If the writing isn’t your cup of tea, but you enjoy reading other people’s prose visit one of the many sites to index blogs.

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