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I am a man, I have needs

This article is a repeat from the newsletter last week, but I thought I would post it all by itself for two reasons. First, I have had a lot of comments on it this week. Second, all these tech names will create more yahoo search terms and we will make a few cents from it. Here it goes…

I bought a new computer last week. The new system is dual core, 1 GB of RAM, 200 GB hard drive and DVD burner and card reader.

I remember the first two or three computers I purchased. I remember how exciting it was to bring it home and get it out of the box. I loved putting the programs on and customizing the system to my needs.
This computer was different, the excitement was gone.

Not to say it was depressing, but now that I spend my entire week around computers, I no longer find getting a new one as exciting as it used to be. I have also found that there is little challenge to setting the new system up.

I brought the new machine home and had it setup, networked and all of my data transferred in about three hours. This includes installing a second hard drive, more USB ports, a second DVD drive and a Firewire card.

The whole system was up and running before bedtime. It used to take me three days to get a new machine working the way I wanted it.

After spending some time thinking about why I wasn't excited about my new computer I have come to the conclusion that it is because I don't have a new monitor. I also would love a new laptop. My current laptop is at least four years old. My multimedia projector is only 800×600 and the new ones produce HD quality video. There is also a new model of Treo Smartphone out there that I haven't even played with yet, I probably need it and don't know it.

Being one who loves to find solutions for problems, I discussed this issue with my wife. I went to great lengths to explain how I have lost touch with the excitement of past gadgets and buying new gadgets is the only solution to my emptiness.

I even explained how other people we know are getting new laptops, phones and projectors. For some reason she just kept mumbling something about how my son's shoes have holes and a house payment.

Now, I was born with a special sixth sense and I know what many readers are thinking right now and the answer is, yes.

Yes, I explained how nice the picture is on movies and video games with the newer projectors. I explained contrast ratio and 720 HD resolution.

Yes, I explained how my laptop is too big and bulky. I explained that the new laptop that I want is dual-core and has a brighter screen. I even explained how much smaller and lighter it is.

I also explained how my phone only has 24 megabytes of internal memory and the new Treo has 60.

My wife is very tech-savvy and she loves her MP3 player, cell phone and computer. For some reason the only gadgets she has ever let me get in the entire 10 years we have been married are as follows:

3 smartphones
4 computers
3 laptops
2 Xboxs and a GameCube
2 MP3 players
4 Scanners
4 Photo Printers
3 CD and/or DVD burners
3 Digital Cameras (I forgot to even mention how bad I need a new digital
1 Multimedia projector
2 DVD players
2 Stereo systems
6 TVs
2 Remote control CD players for my car (she reminded me of that when I read the list to her)
3 Versions of Photoshop

And a few other things that don't count like bluetooth headsets, connector cables, games for the Xbox, DVDs, camera memory, RAM, Wacom tablets, etc.

Really, that's all there is. I barely left anything off the list.
Maybe I should start a special discussion forum somewhere for other husbands who suffer from similar problems caused by not having enough gadgets. I already know there are discussion forums for wives who have husbands who suffer from such problems.

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