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I am bragging

I have read some of Adam’s "Shotguns" lately, and he has referred to himself as an expert, but also said he didn’t want to brag. My goal today is to stir things  up a little and try and get our readers to start utilizing the discussion possibilities in our posts.

When I sit down at a malfunctioning computer, I picture Bugs Bunny sitting down in the concert hall when he played Beethoven with Elmer Fudd chasing him around. He fluffed his tail and flipped out his coat tails with the utmost confidence and bravado. I don’t where a tux to help my customers, but I do strongly feel that they would be hard pressed to find a better computer person to sit at their desk. I know Adam is a very strong second and in some areas (like photography), way ahead of me.

Those of you who know us, know that we are not conceded, boastful individuals. In fact, we are almost too laid back and tend to fly under the radar. I think there is a difference between those who strut around with a chip on their shoulder and those who truly have a confidence and belief in their abilities. We need to be proud of our accomplishments and our skills. By we, I mean Adam and I and anyone else who has honed the skills of their trade or craft.

You have heard me many times say on our show that I am not an expert in all areas of computers, but what I am an expert in, I will pit against any challenger. And I have the confidence enough to know the areas where my expertise is lacking and will point a person in the right direction to get their problem solved. I tell my kids that if I don’t learn something new every day, then I feel that the day was not complete.

Adam, you are not bragging (and neither am I). We are simply stating facts about our knowledge and abilities and we enjoy sharing that knowledge with as many people as possible. Why? Because what good is knowledge if you can’t spread it around!

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