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Bogus Repair Requests at Office Depot costs them $35 million

Since 2009, Office Depot (and merged partner Office Max) along with were knowingly scamming customers into paying for repairs or “fixes” that were absolutely not needed. I won’t go into the gory details, but you can read the full story here. Just know that large retail outlets that sell goods and services don’t always concentrate on providing the best services. The folks providing the service are underpaid, not trained well, and don’t stick around long enough to gain more skills.

Sadly, when we think we can get a better deal, we abandon tried and true options and try to save a few dollars. And even more concerning is the false trust we put into brand names and big box stores. Both of these modern truths lead to thousands of duped computer users by Office Depot.

If you or a friend or family member need computer or mobile device help or training, remember that I’m out here to provide solid, honest advice and support. My services are less expensive (by far) than any big box store and offer far more value than any service available today.

And you don’t have to drive in and wait in line or talk to someone who doesn’t understand your problems or care about your problems!




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