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Viruses: BAD, Viral Videos: GOOD!

One of today's greatest tactics for marketers to get buzz going about a product or brand is viral video. A viral video is in no way related to a computer virus although the nomenclature is similar.

A viral video is a video that is funny or amazing that can be seen in the Internet. The clever or otherwise fascinating video is placed on the web and then word of mouth sends people to the hosting site. Soon the video and brand it represents are all over the web.

The Diet Coke and Mentos video is one of the greatest viral videos ever produced. While Diet Coke and Mentos probably had nothing to do with the video, you can be assured that they had no problem with the video's success.

I found this great site that tracks the top 20 viral videos . If there is one thing I am good it, it's finding new ways to kill time online. 

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