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Add photos to Facebook quickly and easily – Video Tip

I helped a retired aged computer user today who was cajoled into using Facebook by his family. His Facebook friends hammered him daily about posting some pictures to his online profile. But like many computer users, he juggled time between three different photo management programs. One of them, luckily, was Google’s Picasa and I configured Picasa to locate all his pictures.

A quick web search led me to the Picasa Uploader for Facebook. Not all Facebook applications (small add-ons) are safe, however, so I checked this one out by reading the online reviews of the application. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t yet screen the applications they advertise on the service like a, but like, the community discusses and rates the applications. The bad guys quickly get exposed and are buried. However, always be cautious of adding Facebook Applications to your profile.

The Picasa Uploader works like a champ and makes it easy to share your photos with your Facebook friends. For step-by-step details on installing and using this application, watch my video below.

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