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Can your email be read like Sarah Palin’s?

Sarah PalinNot likely. In the Sarah Palin case, her Yahoo email account was not hacked…her password was hacked. That means the hackers guessed Sarah Palin’s password (maybe it was hockeymom). Seriously, it could have been that easy. More likely, however, the hackers used sophisticated programs that were used to crack the password.

The number one defense you possess to safeguard your email, bank account, or any other online account is a strong password.

  • A strong password contains a mix of upper and lower case letters, numerals, and special characters like (# @ ! * & _ – + ).
  • Never use the same password for all your accounts.
  • Never use words that can be found in a dictionary (these are the easiest to hack)
  • Change your important account passwords often.

I know, I know…”It’s too hard to remember.”. Write it down! No one said you have to memorize it. Write it down, but keep it in safe place and don’t forget where you put it. OR, you can use any number of password manager programs. Read my Password Mania tip for more info.

If you aren’t running for Vice President of the free world, you automatically reduce your chances of being hacked by almost 1 billion times. But, don’t get lazy and leave your account information open to the chance of being hacked.

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