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Castellini on Computers is Morphing…for the better

As I look back over the past few years, I am very proud of the progress Adam and I have put into the site. My goal from day 1 for our web site and show, and Adam adopted the goal when he joined me nearly 7 years ago, was to provide the easiest to understand and most practical computer advice on the web, radio, or anywhere. I believe that we have succeeded in meeting that goal and continue to improve upon that goal every single day.

After months of consideration, we agreed that we can do even MORE for our web site visitors, show listeners, and computer users yet to visit the site if we focus our energies on further enriching the site's content and offering new ways to interact with us and the site.

We cannot express our gratitude enough to all the wonderful listeners and web visitors who helped nurture the show and supported the show since the beginning. We still thoroughly enjoy doing the show and helping computer users, but we hope to be able to reach even MORE users by bringing our show to our web site and hopefully create a grass roots movement that spreads the news about our easy-to-understand and practical content to all corners of the universe. 

Leaving the radio air waves is not an end for us, but rather an exciting new beginning for us to offer MORE of what you like about our show and site. Spread the news to all your friends, family, and colleagues that Rick and Adam, Castellini on Computers, and is alive and well and will continue to offer the best computer advice found anywhere via any medium.

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