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Computer Help Show – 09-15-10 Podcast

Today I was broadcasting solo for the first time in a long time…I hope you are recovering Joel! The hour went by quick, but I felt out of breath from so much talking. Thanks to Daniel (via Twitter) and Joe (who called 3 times) to help me keep the show rolling forward. And since Adam usually takes care of all the radio stuff, I was a little distracted by the radio board and forgot to start the recording on time…so when you listen you will hear me in the middle of one of Joe’s calls and then the rest of the show.

Thanks for listening, and be sure to download and listen to our new weekly podcast, and we’ll be back on the radio waves later this month (September 28 at Noon Mountain time) for the KAFM fund raiser. And the regularly scheduled radio show next month on Wednesday, October 20 again at noon mountain time.

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2 thoughts on “Computer Help Show – 09-15-10 Podcast”

  1. I’d like to add something about email passwords in public places (like coffee shops), that gmail has a secure-only option (https) in the settings for gmail users.

    There’s also encrypted options that most hosts support using SSL on port 443 (I think that’s the right port)

    using a secure/SSL connection encrypts your connection, and your password won’t ever be visible.

    Great show Rick!

  2. You mentioned a headline about global warming: “Women smarter than men on global warming, survey reveals.” If you read the article in the Christian Science Monitor, their headline actually says “more knowledgeable” rather than “smarter.”

    The text of the article actually says: “Women are more likely than men to support the scientific consensus on the reality of global warming caused by humans, according to sociologist Aaron McCright, an associate professor at Michigan State University.”

    You have to wonder if the headline writer actually read the article. A more accurate summary of the article would be that more men than women want to see better evidence before they are willing to believe in global warming.

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