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Give Picasa a try!

I just put that picture there to get your attention. 

I’m not trying to brag, but I know more about digital photography than the average computer user. This is partly due to the fact that I took Photoshop classes in college for about three years.

I love Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, but I can also appreciate that not everyone needs such a powerful program.

Google has a free program called Picasa. Even with my borderline supernatural understanding of Photoshop, I still use Picasa on a regular basis.

I like Picasa for several reasons:

1. It’s free –

2. It catalogs all of your digital photos and organizes them quickly and in real-time without moving or changing the originals.

3. Making gift slideshow CDs or backups of all of your photos can be done in three steps.

4. It is not an image editing program, but the editing tools it does have are wonderful.

5. Transferring photos from your scanner or digital camera is very easy and forces you into an organizational system for your digital photos.

If you haven’t tried Picasa, go ahead and download it. It won’t cause any problems with the system you may currently have setup on your computer.

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