Super fast editing from Mr. Adam this week allows us to reveal a podcast with some cursing, incredible stories of horrible customer service, technician incompetence and more!! Listen and then leave your comments and questions below!! Podcast with Rick & Adam – 05-26-11
- 1 min read
Great podcast! I enjoyed the rant and complaining. THANK YOU for getting AT&T to give you a straight answer!! I live on the east end of town and I’ll be around 30 road and can’t get the data service to work.
I’ve always found Google to be a great tool when trying to figure out a problem. I’ve only had to take my computer to shop once in the 8 years I’ve owned my PC. Most of the repairs I’ve done myself or asked a friend for help.
I have a “stage 2” addiction to your podcasts! Enjoy the conversations, the tidbits of information, and the leads to self-help resources. As one who is new to i-Pad, I also appreciated some of the prior week’s commentary about apps. Am curious for more information about them and their usefulness.
Just listened to this podcast. Wow! Go get ’em, (especially AT&T) Rick! I agree, our country is “going to hell in a handbasket” just for the reasons you outline. I’ll be enjoying this podcast several more times and recommending it to others. Am looking forward to learning more about “stage 2” and “stage 3” after you have researched it further. Thank you for outing the charlatans.
Hi, Guys!
I DO listen all the way through. You always offer up lots of great information, along with humor.
The ATT rant made me think of my dealings with Bresnan over the years. Need I say more? Anyway, I hope ATT gets IT fixed soon.
Way to call BS on the local tech quacks that swindled your client. I hope your telling of that story will be a warning to others.
I just recently got to play with a Toshiba Tablet PC for a few minutes. I didn’t even know those existed! That was kinda fun.
And yes—it IS @djsmorton! Good job!
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