In an extremely transparent effort to increase our listener numbers and web site viewers (and to a lesser degree Facebook Likes), we threw in all kinds of news worthy references in this week’s podcast. Charlie Sheen was mentioned way more than he should have been, the new iPad 2, Hawaii volcanoes, the economy and even gas prices. But we also threw in a lot of technology information, Q&A and of course the standard much more. Have a listen! Podcast with Rick & Adam – 03-03-12
- 1 min read
Another great show. You are getting better and better at self-promotion (Charlie Sheen?). My wife thinks you guys are a BAD influence as you now have me thinking about the iPad 2. My 9-year-old daughter also enjoyed your show. She thinks Adam sounds like Ray Barone’s brother, Robert, on “Everybody Loves Raymond.”
it dont play! thank you
I had to download it to play it in Ubuntu.
Hmmmm…which browser?
Chromium 10.0.648.127 (76697) Ubuntu 10.10
It does play in Firefox, so it would seem to be a problem with Chrome
I will have to investigate this further…thanks for info!
My Chrome updated this am to version 10.0.648.134, and the show plays fine now through Chrome. I suppose it was a problem with Chrome, corrected with the new update.
I have been updated to “10.0.648.133 (77742) Ubuntu 10.10”, and now get an error message: “Missing Plug-In”. There is no indication as to what plug-in is required or where to get it.
Another curiosity is that the 03-16-11 podcast plays fine.
Maybe the problem is that this podcast won’t be available until 03-03-2012? That’s the date in the title!
am i doing something wrong???? it wont play thank you
Just checked it…and it is working. Sorry.
i could not play in chrome. it did work in ie8 good show and thanks
I initially listened to the show through my iTunes feed. Using a MacBook Pro. Tried it in both Safari and Firefox with no problem. Does not play in Chrome. A separate window comes up with an audio control bar which blinks rapidly. No go. Then went to Chrome extensions and installed the “Play in Quicktime” extension. Still no go.
For a tutorial on how to increase viewership, check out Jennifer Anniston’s youtube video at: Maybe you could incorporate some of her techniques? Notice she did NOT mention Charlie Sheen.
Of course, I guess she does have one thing you guys don’t — Jennifer Anniston. 😉 (Maybe me mentioning her here will increase your standing with the search engines) Still, I think you guys are doing great.
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