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How about a joke

Memorial Day week is always slow for business. Partially due to the holiday and partially due to the Junior College World Series (JUCO) that comes to town.

Since I don’t have much to relate about technology today, I will share a bad joke that I heard last night from some friends.

Ghandi was very old and frail but that never stopped him from walking without shoes whever he went. Even on the hot sand he walked barefoot, the calluses had built up over his life so that he could feel nothing on the bottoms of his feet.

Perhaps it was the life of service to others or his spiritual beliefs, but many of his followers claimed that Ghandi had special unexplained powers. He also was a strict vegetarian who attributed his long life to a daily dosage of garlic. However, this steady habit also gave him extremely bad breath.

Are you ready for the punch line?

So, to summarize the life of Ghandi – he was a

Super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis!

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