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“I can’t find stuff on your web site”

We get this comment more often than we would like. I'm going to split the responsibility between our web site design and web surfing experience of the folks who tell us they have trouble navigating our site.

Our site has gone immense changes in the past year…for the better. If you might be in the camp who thinks that our current site is tough to navigate, you may have never returned to our old site after an initial visit. Our old site didn't have consistent menu navigation and had a horrible search engine. Our new site has the same menus on every single page that let you navigate to the main parts of our web site. You will find these menus at top right of every single page on our site.

The most exciting change to our site is the new search engine. In the top left corner of the site (near the navigation menus), we have a search box. Use it like you would Google. If you have an email question, type the word email and click search. You will be rewarded with all our tips and information relating to email. Looking for backup tips? Type the word backup and search again. Our new search is powerful, accurate and easy to use.

At any web site, it is important to give yourself a few minutes to look over the site from side-to-side and top-to-bottom to learn where the main parts of the site are located. All sites are different, and it takes just a moment to orient yourself to the site. Above all, if you know the site is valuable (like ours), it behooves you to spend a lot of time at the site to learn its nuances and allow you to take advantage of the information on the site.

Lastly, if you have any questions about navigating our site, please call us on Saturdays during the radio show!

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