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I dislike the Dummies books

Taken with my phone

Getting ready to leave Barnes & Noble where my daughter and I were working on our laptops. I decided to quickly browse the computer books and saw red when I saw so much yellow and black.

I frequently get asked what computer books I recommend. While I don’t keep up with all the new books available, I do recommend NOT buying any book with the word dummies on it.

My dislike of these books stem from the extreme negative angle they portray. To me, starting the learning process from this negative place puts the learner at a disadvantage. Instead, get a visual learning or beginner book.

You are not dumb.

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8 thoughts on “I dislike the Dummies books”

  1. I agree ,I also dont like the name. Other names that I dont like is , Tech Nerds, Tech Geeks any stupid names that keeps techs looking like cheap labour. Techs have to keep up with a lot of different changes in technology, and those names make them look cheap.

  2. I appreciate all your advice and have for over 10 years, but I have to disagree about “Dummies”. The title and design is a stroke of marketing genius. The claim they have sold over 150,000 books. That sounds like success to me.

    I admit I didn’t like the idea when I first heard it, but it did make an impression and when I went “book shopping” Dummies was the only computer book I knew.

    I have 3 dummies and find them reasonably informative.

    Okie o’ in Tokio

    1. OK, I’m chalking you up as #2 Harley. I, however, will never buy a book that says Dummie on it. You are right, it IS marketing genius…playing on the low self-esteem of folks. It’s despicable to me as a life long learner and instructor.

  3. WOW !! What a bunch of com===== !

    I had a couple a few years ago and they were a great step to the more EXPENSIVE books which were hard to understand . Too much GEEK talk !!!!


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