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I love PayPal

I have been raising a little money by selling stuff on eBay so I can buy my wife a Ferrari for Mothers day. As it turns out, the items I sold only went for about $50, so I will have to find her something else.

EBay is amazing, but PayPal is amazing-er (a little Bushism).

Both items closed yesterday and by this morning I had the money in my PayPal account. I took the items to the post office and I used my PayPal debit card to pay for the shipping.

When I got home I took a look at my PayPal balanced and saw that I was earning 4.62% on my PayPal money market account which requires no minimum balance and has no limits on withdrawls.

I then made a PayPal donation button for my site and enabled a few settings that will make it easy for me to take credit card payments from my clients.

I feel so powerful!!

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