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I should have trusted my instincts

I teach my kids to trust their instincts when making decisions, taking tests, and dealing with people. I try to do the same, but sometimes my brain (or maybe ego and curiosity) gets in the way. Over the past few years, we have talked at length about computer security and the dangers of not being secure.  After spending many hours hunkered down over an infected computer and trying to get overwhelmed computers fixed, we have come to a conclusion about fixing some of these problems. In some of the worst cases, it is cheaper and quicker to backup up the necessary user files then format the hard drive and start over with a fresh install of Windows, its updates and the proper security software.

Even on systems where everything comes up clean 'looks' good on the surface, problems from a severe infection can crop up later. Today, for instance, I was called out to setup a new laptop. Great, I thought, straightforward appointment taking no more than an hour or so. When I showed up, the customer also had an older XP desktop that was locking up after being hooked up to this new cable Internet service. After a brief look at the system (disconnecting the Internet first), I found that it had no firewall, no anti-virus software and no anti-spyware software. I ran through my regular routine of cleaning a computer (after explaining my policy of reformatting some machines) and AVG found nearly 3800 infected files!!!

Ego, my brain, or simple pig headedness got in the way and I plowed ahead to try and 'fix' this obviously broken situation. I did get it back on the Internet, running smoothly, and looking good, BUT I couldn't share the printer with his laptop via Windows networking. After about an hour or so of looking for a solution of 'why' this was happening, I found an esoteric problem on Microsoft's site for which you have to call them for the solution. I printed out the necessary information and wrote some instructions down for him to explain to the techs when he calls Microsoft.

He will probably end up calling me back to reformat the system…something I should have done from the beginning! Trust your instincts…

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