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Intel Meltdown and Spectre Security Problem

A lot has been written and talked about this week regarding the computer chip vulnerabilities. In a nutshell, this problem allows some programs to access parts of the computer’s memory that normally is walled off and private. This could potentially lead to private information being exposed. The key word being potentially. Although, the problem is real, no hacks or problems have stemmed from it yet.

For now, we computer users need to sit tight, and practice good common sense and computer security that I have outlined for years. Keep everything updated, DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE WHO CALLS YOU ABOUT YOUR COMPUTER UNSOLICITED, be careful using Google to look up phone numbers for tech support because too often you might call a number listed in an ad versus the real number, and always, always keep your important information backed up.

Here is a link to some of the most recent details on this problem if you want more information.

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