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Is it not ok anymore to be content with what we have?

I have had Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007 sitting on my desk for more than three weeks now. I spent nearly $300 buying the stupid products so that I can install them on my machine, but I haven't. It's not because I haven't had time…I just have no burning desire to go through with the change yet. My Windows XP machine is running awesome, I like the configuration of my system and just don't want to upset the apple cart yet. I still occasionally turn on my backup machine that is running a beta version of Windows Vista, but I have only used it about ten times since I installed the beta version last September. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't plan on moving to a utility free cabin in Montana. I still love technology and new computer gadgets, but I have seen Vista and used Vista and it doesn't excite me in the least. In fact, the whole software industry right now bugs me…the endless cycle of useless upgrades is irritating.  Is it not ok to be content for a little while? Can't computer companies pour their collective minds and talents into producing a truly innovative and useful product rather than dribble every six months? 

I will install Vista and Office 2007 on my machine eventually for you. After all, it is my job to learn about the new stuff and how to best utilize it so you can be productive with it as quickly as possible. I'm just discouraged this time around because the product is so radically different and not necessarily in a good way for most consumers.

How about you Vista users that adopted early? Is Windows Vista making you say "Wow" the way Gates and company wants you to say Wow? And how about you Office 2007 users? How is the new 'ribbon' layout working for you?

6 thoughts on “Is it not ok anymore to be content with what we have?”

  1. I am sick of hearing the useless dribble about how pretty W7 is, & how less convenient the startmenu is, but how much better it is that way!

    You can patch the UXtheme file in XP to support any VS you want, whether Vista-ish, XP, or W7 & make it look exactly like you want.

    Why do I want either Vista or W7 to do the same jobs (but slower) when time is money?


    They obviously have not learned the lesson yet. We don’t need prettier, slower, or fancier.

    Just faster & more useable please! Is that too much to ask?

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