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More lost pictures…

I write often about backup because I'm passionate about the topic. Too often, I see customers who have never backed up there important data and recovering it is either impossible or financially unfeasible.

I visited a young mother today with a laptop that was afflicted with a virus that destroyed all her data. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to recover the data. She could probably send the hard drive into a service like DriveSavers , but the cost would be in the thousands. She elected to just have the drive reformatted and said she would start over when I bring the computer back. 

It breaks my heart to see a young mom like her lose all her digital photos that she took in her baby's first year. Except for the few she printed, they are lost forever.

My deepest hope is that whomever reads this article (and I honestly could write one with a similar story line once a week or more) will feel compelled to go and backup their precious and irreplaceable data right now. And if you are a serial email forwarder, this article would be one of the most appropriate articles you could forward. 

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