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New radio show format

Two weeks ago, with little fan fare, I announced a dramatic change in format for our weekly radio show. Although I never discussed it with my co-host, friend and producer, Adam, he whole heartedly bought in on the concept and we are proceeding.

When I started the Castellini on Computers Radio Show in 1999, my intention was to provide a forum for beginners to learn about computers, technology and the Internet in a non-threatening yet entertaining forum. For better or worse, my desire to help people got in the way of my original goal of being as "non-geeky" as possible. We answered questions from all callers even if the question was applicable for only that one person. Despite our best efforts of trying to explain our answers and the caller's questions in layman's terms, we turned off many listeners. Our most common feedback about the show has always been, "I love your show, but I don't understand anything your talking about on the show." 

It took us almost nine years to realize our mistake and you have stuck with us, but from now on, we will focus on the every day computer problems and resolutions. We want listeners to hear the questions and either say "I know the answer to that question" OR "I have that same problem". If we don't feel that our listeners can respond to a question with one of those statements, then the caller will be dropped and we'll move on to the next question or email.

I'm excited about our new direction and format and hope you are too. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the "NEW and IMPROVED" Castellini on Computers Radio Program and be sure to participate by calling in or emailing your basic computer questions. We think you will find the show to be much more helpful than ever before and easier and more entertaining than in the past.

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