My first appointment of the day was at the house of a couple whom were given a hand-me-down computer about six years ago. I taught them how to send and read email and a few computer basics back then and haven’t heard from them since. They needed me to look at the old Windows 95 computer today because nothing would come up on the screen. Indeed, Windows had crashed and they elected not to fix it.
After talking a few minutes, they confessed that they really didn’t want to get a new one or fix this one because they weren’t particularly interested in the machine. In fact, they pointed out that they had disconnected from the Internet just a year or so after I had seen them because they hated getting the forwarded email from friends and decided to cancel their service rather than tell their friends to stop sending the junk. Since then, they only played solitaire. And now they think they will just continue on without a computer.
Listening to the radio between appointments, I heard an interview with a representative from a web site designed to help get through "voice mail hell" and talk to a human on customer service sites. The site is called: Looks interesting.