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Nothing more important in computing than backup…

Destiny played its hand today in choosing my topic for my first installment of "Riding Shotgun". Riding Shotgun is the brain-child of Adam and I. We wanted to create a daily snippet of the things we see, learn, fix, and experience in our daily travels from office-to-office and home-to-home fixing computers and helping people learn about the computers.

Backup, or the lack of a backup, played a big part in my day today. One of my client’s today was a business where their computer would not boot up any longer. Upon arriving on the scene, I learned that their backup was not complete and panic ensued. After looking over the system it was apparent that it wasn’t coming back to life no matter what kind of CPR I performed. So, I pulled the hard drive out of the computer and took it to my office, where I was able to backup their data and transfer it to a CD.

The moral of the story (those who know me are nodding and saying “yes, we have heard this before…”) is to make sure that you implement and carry out a good backup of your important computer files. Backup isn’t fun, but it is extremely necessary. Search our site for “backup” and you will get many tips on how and what to backup.

2 thoughts on “Nothing more important in computing than backup…”

  1. Anthony Bouwman

    Hi Rick

    I reside in Phuket Thailand six months of the year. Luckily I have a friend who eats and sleeps computers but he cannot teach me due to a language problem and the fact that I am 83, yes eighty three years old. I try to learn as much as possible from you and want to thank you for teaching an old dog new tricks albeit slowly now! Tony

    1. You are welcome and glad to hear you are utilizing all the information! Thank YOU for visiting and please pass on info about the site.

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