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One MAJOR Myth about Computers

Some may say that I am easily agitated…and in some cases, they are right. But one particular computer excuse that I hear too often really agitates me because it simply isn't true. That excuse is "I'm too old to learn computers." My clients are always surprised when they hear that I didn't grow up or go to school with or for computers. I sat down in front of a computer for the first time about two years after I graduated from college with a physical therapy degree. That was in 1990. 

Today, almost of all of my 'young' clients (aged 18-45) use my services to teach them how to do certain activities on their computer, hook up new printers or scanners, setup a new computer, or troubleshoot a nagging problem. Interestingly, these are the exact services I provided to those over the age 45.

The myth is simply that, a myth. Computer users of any age either have an aptitude and attitude to conquer a computer or they simply accept that using a computer for specific purposes that they are comfortable with is sufficient. Age, gender, and education background play absolutely no role with computer knowledge and skill.

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