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Reader/Listener Challenge

We work extremely hard at creating tips, reviews, and other content for our web site. However, we often feel like we are the only ones who use the information. I often think, "If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? And if we post an important article or tip, will anyone read it?"

My challenge is to the regular readers of our site and listeners to our program who do peruse the site, follow our tips, and take our advice. We need you to start a grass roots movement to get eyeballs over to this site and utilize the information that is here and leave comments to help us improve upon what is here as well. We have designed the site's content to be helpful to anyone who uses a computer, but mostly computer users who tell us they are beginners or just learning. However, we also believe that more experienced computer users can use our site to help out their family and friends who get constant questions about their computers. 

I know that men and women who are perceived to be computer literate get bombarded with computer questions and stories. Often, the same type of questions over and over. If you know that type of person, send them to our site so they can save time by finding the answer here and then sending a link to the person in need.

Go forth and spread the word about The information found here is unlike anywhere else on the web and is begging to be utilized! 

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