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Red X’s in Email Messages

I’m resetting this tip from two or so years ago because we have had so many phone calls and email messages about this topic. 

Have you ever received an email with "red x’s" in a box or just an empty box in the middle of the email? There are three possible explanations for this phenomenon; either you are reading the message offline, your email program is blocking images from appearing in your email, OR more likely the pictures or graphics that were supposed to be in that message didn’t get sent with the message.

First, a quick background on how pictures work in email messages. Email originated as a text only medium, but in the late 90’s it evolved to the point that it was possible to send embedded pictures, colored text and more with email. This is called Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) email. In English, that means special computer code to display those pictures and formatted text. Essentially, email has become like mini-web pages. One problem with HTML email is that not all email programs or users can read this type of email…they simply see the plain text devoid of pictures and formatted text.

If you want to send messages with backgrounds, colored text, pictures, etc, follow these guidelines:

Outlook Express:

1. Click Tools –> Options from the menus
2. Click the Send tab
3. Make sure the HTML option is selected
4. Click the HTML Options button
5. Check the box that reads Send pictures with message
6. Click OK twice




For other email programs, look for options that say "send pictures inline" or "forward messages inline". 

Performing these steps will insure that your embedded pictures and graphics travel with the email. But remember that it doesn’t guarantee that your recipient can see the message exactly as you do. If you frequently receive email with the ‘red x’s’ or missing pictures, send this tip to them to help correct the situation. Also remember that some email programs will strip pictures from the email for security reasons.

I still prefer sending plain text email, but if you like the snazzier email, make sure you have your email program’s settings set as above.