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Velcro – reuseable duck tape

I discovered a new tool this week – the Velcro strap. I have seen them around for a few years, but I just began using them this week.

Personally, I think that cable mess is cool. I think it is a geek status symbol. However, I know that there are a lot of people out there who prefer to keep their cables tidy.

The reuseable Velcro cable strap. You can get them in the computer department of almost any office supply or discount store, I have found that they are a lot cheaper if you go to the tool or building supply department though.

Velcro straps have a small slit at one end that allows you to wrap the strip tight and attach it permanently to the wire. Next, all you have to do is wrap the strap around all of the wires that you want to bundle together.

Expect to pay about $4 for a roll of 25 straps. They are also a great answer to laptop cables. I also expect them to make a major move into the fashion industry this year as well.